Dylan Jones

Dylan Jones

Alumnx - School of Art

Malkis and Shellog are two mythical beasts from a parallel world who act as stewards for the memories of earthly beings. These drawings are my depictions of the symbiotic relationship that I have had with these beasts for the past year. The memories that I have shared with them are used to sustain a dense ecology of fantastical micro-inhabitants, who use the memories for shelter, sustenance, and play. Through this process, the memories are constantly reshaped and revitalized, helping me find new narrative meaning in past moments. For Expo, I have expanded these drawings into a video experience that playfully explores how this system could work. I created a magic rock named Bip, who exists in an interdimensional lobby and acts as a medium. My friends and I come and share memories with Bip, who distributes them to the great beasts. This project is part of an ongoing body of work called the spiral of Hoobis, which I hope to develop and share through future installations. Thank you to my collaborators for meeting me in the lobby and helping me create these memories